Sneaux Day on the Farm!

It’s a fun day! Every animal and person is in awe of the amount of snow we actually got and how long it snowed for! There is even a chance it will snow more tonight! INSANE! here are some high lights of our day!

-Best thing to use in snow to get awesome speed going down the levee is a boogie board! Now matter how big or how small you are, you haul butt going down that levee. Tops of sand boxes don’t work quite well.

-going down the ditch to climb up the levee in snow is harder than it seems. Was outside for 0.2 seconds and I was already sitting in a pile of snow, soaked from waist to toes. I’m not built for this!

-Goats are unsure of the snow but do like to climb up the levee any chance they get. Tiny goat wanted to slide down on the boogie board but she couldn’t stay on! She does however, like to eat the snowmen! Twitty seemed unfazed by the snow. He still used all of his time to annoy tiny goat.

-Normal people are not used to seeing people, and goats, slide down the levee on boogie boards. There will most likely be a few Facebook posts of my family and animals on the levee today. One of those “I can’t believe what I saw” posts most likely! I should put a sign in front of my house that says, goats think they are dogs, don’t freak out when you see them following people around and crossing the street.

-Chickens are not happy that they can not find bugs because of the snow. They are also taking over my car port! Goats are not happy about this and Bo is keeping his place right by the door making sure no random animal comes inside!

-Pigs HATE the cold weather! Clayton thought they all got out but they were buried in the hay. Peppa says she would rather spend the day in the warm sun covered in mud if she had the choice!

-Pippa rabbit LOVES the weather and is super happy today!

The kids had a great time and so did I! Fingers crossed we get more snow tonight!

We’re back!

It has been a while since I have posted but it’s time to update everyone! We have had a rough summer here on the farm, but fall has proven to be amazing and I can’t wait until spring gets here!

Here are a few updates on our wonderful family!

Peppa Pig and Sarge Pig surprised all of us with a litter of 10 little piggies! We were not expecting that at all but we could not love them more! As of right now, we have two females and 4 males still living with us. Rosie and Smalls, our two females, are spoken for and we are just spoiling them while they are here still! Pedro, Pete, Pablo and Pecan are still looking for some homes, so if you need a pet piggy, let us know! Pedro and Pecan are fixed already so no babies for them in the future! I think I may go crazy if someone does not take the 4 boys off of my hands!!!

Penny Pig was living happily at my dad’s barn until earlier this week. She unexpectedly passed away. We were all very upset over this but we know Penny was loved and we will miss her dearly.

Twitty Goat and Wynnie “Tiny” Goat are here at the house with us now. Twitty was not happy that my dad adopted a few goats and he threw a wonderful “goat fit” so we brought him home from the barn. He and Tiny Goat are spoiled and loved. I have not introduced everyone to Tiny Goat yet. We adopted her when she was only one day old. She was bottle fed and raised in the house for 6 weeks by the kids and I. We loved every minute of it! Tiny Goat loves to go on long car rides and jump up on your lap while you are sitting in the rockers outside. She is more of a dog than a goat! If only we could potty train her!! The boys’ bus driver has had to shoo her off of the bus on numerous occasions in the mornings because she follows the boys on. Her favorite foods are whatever I am eating, rabbit food and any important documents and cash she can get her teeth on. Goat food is not good enough for her. She is now best friends with the new puppy and is plotting to somehow dye her hair to look like Ellee’s so that she can sneak into the house unnoticed. However, her plan is not working so far since the last thing I heard as I hung up the phone today while grocery shopping was, and I quote, “Someone get the goat! She is running down the hall and pooping!”

The chickens are just as crazy as ever! The new babies, or Cooper’s chickens as he calls them, have taken up residence on my car port on what we call the chicken shelf. If you come to my house after dark, you will see a shelf where to put our fire department stuff and on the top shelf are our little chickens. They tend to scare the crud out of anyone who does not know they are there the first time they see them! Just ask Cooper’s dad! 🙂 No matter how many times you take them off and put them back in the coop, they will get right back on that shelf and stare you down as you do the laundry.

We have a new puppy in the family! Her name is Ellee Mae and she is a blue heeler or Australian Cattle Dog. She is super sweet and very fluffy! We are trying to teach her to not potty in the house so cross your fingers for us! She may be a tad bit spoiled too but I don’t think she is. We do not spoil our animals around here…..

Gracie, the Bearded Dragon, is doing great! She is growing bigger and we may try and let her hatch some eggs soon. I love to take her out of her cage when waiting for the boys to get off the bus in the afternoon and let her run around in the grass. The loves catching all the bugs she can catch and just laying in the sun!

Pippa, the rabbit, is doing great! She does not like to be let out of her cage in the house but I am trying to get her used to the idea. She loves standing by the refrigerator since it is warm and she will sleep under the buffet table in the dining room if we leave her out at night. Her favorite snack is strawberries! She loves to turn all red from them and we feed them to her all the time! She has been a wonderful addition to our farm!

The cows, mainly Butch, and the horses are doing great! Cooper and Charley were able to take come cute pictures with the cows in the back ground for Charley’s 2nd birthday and they came out amazing! If you every need a photographer, let me know! My friend Brittaney is AMAZING!


Enough about the animals, on to the kids!

Clayton is having a good year and has made new friends. He really misses his old friends though. He still talks about them all the time. He has not cut off anything lately (knocks on wood to make sure I don’t jinx him) even though he still tires numerous times daily to give me a heart attack!

John Russell is also doing good. He is close with one boy at his new school and our neighbor also! She even gets off the bus with the boys in the afternoon and sometimes catches it with them in the morning. He does miss all of his friends from his old school and asks to see them a lot. He is trying to grow his hair out and looks like a chia pet right now but we are hoping that it will pass soon. He has not done anything crazy lately either. I am starting to worry about this time line as I speak…

Bella is doing wonderful! She is getting ready for her mid terms and is having a great freshman year. She is more and more like me every day. Scary!! She will be taking drivers ed this month so you better watch out on the road soon! If she drives like her Poppee, we are in trouble!

I am still at home doing my monogramming and sewing full time. I am loving the time I have with the kids in the afternoons and we have more free time on our hands now also.

Nathan loves his job at the plant and is doing great there too.


Well, it is getting late and I need to go finish the gifts for the 12 Days Before Christmas gifts for the boy’s teachers. I will be putting the details up on that after I finish this year! It is the most fun thing to do for them and it hardly costs anything! It puts a smile on their faces and I love making up all the little sayings that go with each day! Yesterday was “Santa-tizer” and it was a big hit!

Keep smiling and remember, sometimes life is dirtier than dirt!