Sneaux Day on the Farm!

It’s a fun day! Every animal and person is in awe of the amount of snow we actually got and how long it snowed for! There is even a chance it will snow more tonight! INSANE! here are some high lights of our day!

-Best thing to use in snow to get awesome speed going down the levee is a boogie board! Now matter how big or how small you are, you haul butt going down that levee. Tops of sand boxes don’t work quite well.

-going down the ditch to climb up the levee in snow is harder than it seems. Was outside for 0.2 seconds and I was already sitting in a pile of snow, soaked from waist to toes. I’m not built for this!

-Goats are unsure of the snow but do like to climb up the levee any chance they get. Tiny goat wanted to slide down on the boogie board but she couldn’t stay on! She does however, like to eat the snowmen! Twitty seemed unfazed by the snow. He still used all of his time to annoy tiny goat.

-Normal people are not used to seeing people, and goats, slide down the levee on boogie boards. There will most likely be a few Facebook posts of my family and animals on the levee today. One of those “I can’t believe what I saw” posts most likely! I should put a sign in front of my house that says, goats think they are dogs, don’t freak out when you see them following people around and crossing the street.

-Chickens are not happy that they can not find bugs because of the snow. They are also taking over my car port! Goats are not happy about this and Bo is keeping his place right by the door making sure no random animal comes inside!

-Pigs HATE the cold weather! Clayton thought they all got out but they were buried in the hay. Peppa says she would rather spend the day in the warm sun covered in mud if she had the choice!

-Pippa rabbit LOVES the weather and is super happy today!

The kids had a great time and so did I! Fingers crossed we get more snow tonight!

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